plastic bpa free water bottles in malaysia

Resealable water bottles provide several advantages in terms of the environment and human health

Toxins are being released into our drinking water by the accumulation of plastic rubbish in our rivers, streams, and oceans as a consequence of the growing use of plastics over the previous fifty years. As a consequence, the environment has suffered a long-term catastrophe. In recent years, a growing number of environmentally and health-conscious customers have been looking for ways to reduce their plastic use. By recycling and using paper bags instead of plastic ones, people are taking responsibility for reducing the quantity of plastic they contribute to the problem. With the rise of reusable water bottles, many people are taking another great step toward cutting down on the amount of plastic waste that is produced.

You can do your part to reduce the amount of plastic pollution in the environment by using reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastic water bottles. Using or purchasing beverages packed in plastic bottles or containers may be difficult to resist due to the ease of use provided by these containers. Making the switch may be easier if you know how big of a deal it is going to be in the long run. Let’s take a closer look at the impact of plastic water bottles. Be sure that the plastic bpa free water bottles in malaysia would be the best choice.

plastic bpa free water bottles in malaysia


Plastic Water Bottles Cost The Environment Way Too Much

Because plastic water bottles are harmful to the environment, you may already know this. Because they are made from oil and are so difficult to decompose that they have accumulated in such vast quantities, the ocean is home to a massive garbage patch. Plastic has a bad reputation for being difficult to get rid of. It’s conceivable, though, that you’re not aware of the specifics.

Water containers that may be reused to reduce the pollution created by plastic bottles

Using plastic bottles is a major cause of pollution in the oceans throughout the world.

A water bottle made of plastic starts its life as oil, just like every other kind of plastic. There must be an extraction and refining stage before any container can be made. This treatment has a considerable impact on the surrounding environment only by being performed. Printwand has created an infographic revealing that 17 million barrels of oil are needed each year to make one year’s worth of single-use water bottles. This means that the quantity of oil needed to make each bottle would be able to fill up around one-quarter of the container that is produced. 

As a result, a 20-ounce bottle of crude oil contains around 5 ounces of crude oil, which is about one barrel of crude oil for every thousand bottles. This is a stark contrast to the twenty gallons of gasoline or diesel fuel that one barrel of oil can provide. Even while plastic bottles hurt our environment, they also increase fuel costs because of their waste. Approximately 2.5 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions are produced annually during the bottling of water, according to current estimates. Everything from oil extraction to bottle manufacturing to water bottling is included in this number. Historically, the most inefficient means of delivering water to human beings has been the practise of putting water in bottles and shipping it.


Before the bottle is even opened, all of this happens. Regardless of whether or not the bottle was disposed of properly, it has a negative impact on landfills and the natural environment in which we live. The following is what plastic bottles go through after their initial use, according to a few quick stats

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