Time fibre package from Jom Apply

5 Home Office Essentials To Enhance Your Productivity

Since the appearance of COVID-19 in 2020, many companies have opted for working from home (WFH) mode to keep the virus from spreading to the staff at the office. However, two years have passed and people are still working from home. 

Well, it’s not like it’s a bad thing as working from home helps you save up a lot of money for food and petrol. Furthermore, you don’t have to spend your time waking up early and commuting to the office. 

Since you have extra money, it will be nice if you create a home office space at your place to set the working vibes for you. If not, it will affect your productivity and attention skills as you feel too comfortable working from home. What do you need to buy for your home office? This article will help you!

  • High-Speed Internet

The main reason why many companies allow their staff to work from home is that almost everyone has access to the internet. But, not everyone has access to high-speed internet! Since WFH requires you to have online meetings with your co-workers, high-speed internet will help to ensure the meeting will run smoothly.

Hearing your robotic voice and looking at your blurry videos will make your co-workers annoyed. Therefore, you should subscribe to the Time fibre package from Jom Apply for the best internet package.

  • Ergonomic chair

You must be thinking, what is ergonomic? It refers to a study that scientist does to create products that are efficient and comfortable in a working environment. 

Since working requires you to sit for a long time, it is good to invest in a good ergonomic chair so it won’t cause strain to your body. Using your dining table chair might be enough, but it is not good for your body in the long term. 

  • Height adjustable table

Time fibre package from Jom Apply

Just like an ergonomic chair, a height-adjustable table will help you to maintain a good posture when working at home. You can adjust it according to your preferred height so that you don’t have to slouch when doing your work. Furthermore, it can help you to fix your body postures from slouching at your poorly heightened desk at the office. 

  • Noise-cancelling headphones

One of the most annoying things when working at home is the noise. Sometimes when you are listening to a presentation or important things from your superiors, noises like the traffic, house renovations, and ice cream man’s motorcycle will cause you to lose focus. 

Therefore, get a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to help you to focus more during working at home. Also, get one with a good microphone so your co-workers can hear you clearly!

  • Coffee maker

Time fibre package from Jom Apply

If you’re a person who can’t function without taking their morning coffee, you should get a coffee maker at your place. Since you are unable to drink cafe-quality coffee as you are working from home, the coffee maker is a cheaper alternative compared to the 3-in-1 coffee. 

Furthermore, some coffee maker brands have a feature that keeps your coffee warm for hours. This means free-flow hot coffee for you all day!

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